I now get the O B E
What’s that you say?
I’m Over Bloody Eighty,
Well, just a day!

I’m officially old,
At four score years,
It’s time to behave badly,
Put aside fears!

My bright red carbon walker
Goes like the wind,
My sole job is to keep up
To the bloody thing!

Then there’s my forearm crutches,
Supporting me,
Lengthened to hold me tall,
Helpful? May be.

The supascoota is great
Along bush tracks
Seaside also, with the sun
Upon my back.

Yep, eighty is time to let down
My hair, run free,
Explore possibilities,
Most happily.

But first, time for another
Slice of Joy’s pav.
A delicious birthday treat
For me to have!

Bill Edmunds
November 2023