Lasting Friendships

Lasting Friendships

Forty years in education
When we all were in our prime,
Twenty-plus years since retirement,
Around half a working lifetime.

Brian turned eighty at Eastertime,
A chance to get together,
The first time we could meet and chat,
For what seems like, forever!

Tim, Arnold, Rob, Richard and John,
Our paths crisscrossed through the years,
Making memories, in our schools,
Each committed and sincere.

Brian and Kevin were in ‘E’ class
With me, back in ‘Fifty-six.
The intervening years have flown,
Each with its own eclectic mix.

Brian and I married Smithton girls,
Partners for nearly sixty years,
Stanny and Joy always by our sides,
Loving, caring, always here.

The autumn of our lives is good,
In-spite of the aches and pains.
I value our lasting friendships,
And hope we can meet again.

Bill Edmunds
April 2024